Ride with US

Join us to raise awareness and resources for the wellbeing of our Seniors & Veterans

We are a group of like minded men and women with a love for cycling and outdoors. We also hold in our heart our gratitude towards the men and women in uniform for their priceless service.

So we ride.

In our team we have Veterans, we have Engineers, Physicians, Entrepreneurs, Social Workers and other compassionate, thoughtful citizens who want to and do what we can to help. We want to help with our time, with our ideas and with our resources.

We are not an organization of any kind ( i.e. formal and legal ). Just a bunch of friends that is intent on enjoying the ride, together or separately while consciously thinking about the wellbeing of others.

Our next ride


Hill Country Ride for AIDS

Kraus Springs, Spicewood, Texas

We are dedicating this ride to the memory of a dear friend Garry Augustine , as well as shine the spotlight on the work that HillVets.org is doing for our Veterans and the programs they run.

The CEO of WellHive, the developer of groundbreaking technology for Care Coordination, will be making a personal contribution on our behalf to HillVets to sponsor a Veteran, a LEAD Protégé, for all 16 weeks of their LEAD program.

And of course we are raising funds for Hill Country Rides for AIDS, a non-profit that organizes an annual ride that raises awareness of the disease and funds for the nine agencies in Central Texas providing of HIV/AIDS services and prevention efforts.